Our Harvest Market Rewards Program
We are excited to introduce you to our Harvest Bucks rewards program for Harvest Market members. This rewards program allows members to earn discounts on their monthly Wholesale Buying Club purchases; the more you spend, the more Harvest Bucks you earn!
Not every month is eligible for Harvest Bucks rewards. We will alert you when they are available. Check the bottom of your monthly buying club order form to confirm if Harvest Bucks rewards will be available for that month.
So how does the Harvest Bucks rewards program work?
The months that rewards are available, you will earn $5.00 in Harvest Bucks for every $100 dollars you spend, and occasionally more! Members can then use these rewards towards their next month's wholesale buying opportunity.
Harvest Bucks expire 30 days after they are earned, so you must make a wholesale buying purchase by the month following when they were earned, in order to use the credit.
Harvest Bucks can be accumulated. So, if you earn additional Harvest Bucks with our package recycling program each month or for some of our holiday Harvest Bucks specials that don't expire, those dollars can be added to the Harvest Bucks you earn from your eligible wholesale buying club purchases.
Additional rules apply. For a copy of all the rules,
please email us at: